What We're Reading
By Paula Clayton Written by senior performance therapist to Olympians, Paula Clayton, How to Treat Your Own Achilles Tendon is a comprehensive guide that will end the literal pain and frustration for anyone suffering from this debilitating condition. Focused on self-treatment, Clayton walks readers through self- diagnosis, how to prepare for and treat Achilles Tendon, […]
What We're Reading
By Emily Fletcher Haven’t you heard? Meditation is the new coffee—at least according to Ziva Meditation founder, Emily Fletcher, who happily notes that neuroscientists are finally catching up with the meditation benefits that gurus have sworn by forever. Learn about Fletcher’s method— a combo of mindfulness, meditation, and manifestation—which busy celebs, like Jenna
Featured Carousel Healthcare
By Steve Faulkner Many cultures swear by the benefits of a hot bath. But only recently has science begun to understand how passive heating (as opposed to getting hot and sweaty from exercise) improves health. At Loughborough University, we investigated the effect of a hot bath on blood sugar control (an important measure of metabolic […]
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By Sarah Watts At first, Joy Milne thought the smell was a result of bad hygiene and badgered her husband to take longer showers. But when the smell persisted, Joy learned to live with it, not wanting to hurt her husband’s feelings. Today, she’s known as the woman who can smell Parkinson’s. Parkinson’s facts Parkinson’s […]
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My heart sunk when the news of COVID-19 outbreaks in nursing homes broke. For healthcare workers, residents and their families this is the saddest news imaginable. Tragically, it’s taken a pandemic to bring the horrific conditions in some long-term care homes to the surface. As always, there are calls for heads to roll, investigations to […]
What We're Reading
Jooay is a free app that helps children with disabilities and their families to locate leisure opportunities that are: close to where they are, accessible, suit their needs and abilities, match their preferences, can help them develop and participate in society. jooay.com
What We're Reading
A powerful new app for the hearing impaired. Live Transcibe can listen and translate what someone says into text for easy comprehension. In addition, the app is also capable of understanding deaf speak and translating that for other people as well.