Featured Carousel Home Care Kids, Parents and Food Allergies “When a child has both allergies and special needs, this can cause some strain within schools and social services institutions."
Featured Carousel Long Term Care Health Risks of Loneliness and Social Isolation In Canada, the National Council of Seniors declared social isolation among seniors as its priority area for 2013–14.
Featured Carousel Healthcare Living With HIV According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, there are approximately 75,500 people living with HIV in the country.
Featured Carousel The Leading Edge Intelligent Dermatology Improves Outcomes The early detection of skin cancer is essential to the long-term health of patients.
Doctor's Notes Featured Carousel Are You Lonesome Tonight? There is growing concern about the social isolation that can affect older people.
Featured Carousel Innovators Aqua Vision After a year of collaboration and persuading various stakeholders, we started Aqua Vision; the first such program in Canada.
Featured Carousel Healthcare The Bad News, the Good News… The high price tag for specialist products and services is one factor that leads to people with disabilities living below the poverty line.
Ethics Featured Sidebar From Competent Caregiver to ‘Family from Hell’ Use the language of teamwork and of compassion. Use a rights-based argument if those don’t work.
Featured Carousel Healthcare What it’s Really Like Living with Schizophrenia I am one of the 51 million people worldwide living with schizophrenia. I was diagnosed five years ago, when I was 25.
Featured Carousel Technology Can computer models predict pandemics? Infectious diseases are more prevalent in low-income populations, but given that we have a globally connected world, we’re not just addressing this problem “over there”.