Until partway through my medical school training, there were no unique medication treatments for major depression.
Stroke Recovery Canada, a program of March of Dimes Canada, offers post-recovery support and education and programs for stroke survivors, their families and health care providers.
A discussion with philanthropist Dr. Dan Andreae on risk, reward and his philosophy around charitable giving.
“I’m very bored and depressed.” These words came from an 80-year-old widow who lived alone in an apartment with a full-time, live-in caregiver...
Results from an ongoing survey conducted by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) show that 2.2 per cent of Ontario adults—more than 230,000 people—seriously contemplated suicide in the past year.
Les Baugh lost both arms in an electrical accident 40 years ago and was able to operate the system by simply thinking about moving his limbs during a short training period.
It is Sunday afternoon. Many residents are enjoying the company of family and friends from the community. Mrs. Lane is sitting in the front lounge with her roommate...
Maya is 35 years old and works as a human resources professional within a medium-sized technology company...
Increases in the proportion of older Canadians, particularly those aged 85 and over, in most provinces/territories is translating into increased demand on services.
Retirement comes not as a welcome reward after a career of dedicated service, but as a fearful venture into a void. It is viewed as something to postpone indefinitely, if not avoid altogether.