Under-claiming of work injury common
About half of BC workers who have a work injury or illness that results in time away from work do not report the injury or illness to WorkSafeBC. Most common reasons: 1.Workers not knowing they are entitled to compensation or how to apply, and 2. Not thinking it’s worth their time to make a claim.
A study on claim suppression estimated up to 13 per cent of people with work-related injuries in the province also experience claim suppression—i.e. pressure or inducement from an employer not to make a claim. Among the 699 workers surveyed, almost six in 10 (58 per cent) had lost two or more days of work due to a work-related injury with just over half (54 per cent) not submitting a claim. Under-claiming was more common in immigrant workers, non-union or those with lower educational attainment, as well as small and temp employers.
Source: Institute for Work & Health (IWH) and Prism Economics and Analysis
Depression leads to lower earnings
Working-age Canadians who live through a major depressive episode experience an earning loss that persists for at least a decade. Drawing on tax files and health surveys, the study found men who had a depressive episode in a given year earned $115,000 less, on average, over the next 10 years than men who hadn’t. For women earnings were on average $71,000 less. A $5,000 drop for men and $4500 for women happened in the same year. Earnings didn’t recover in a 10-year follow-up. Instead, the earnings fell $360 a year for each passing year for women and $730 for men the year after depression was reported and a further $1,800 per year by the end of the decade.
Source: Journal of Affective Disorders
GammaCore nVNS deemed effective for cluster headache
A recent review outlined the clinical features, pathophysiology, and treatments for cluster headache, finding noninvasive vagus nerve stimulation to be effective in various ways. Traditionally, this area of headache care has lacked effective options. The authors identified electroCore’s gammaCore therapy as the only therapy shown to be effective for both the acute treatment of episodic cluster headache as well as the prevention of cluster headache in clinical trials.
Source: electroCore, Inc
Aspirin, air pollution and male brains
A new study, finds yet another reason why “soot” or PM2.5 pollution is bad— it effects men’s brain health. Lead author Xu Gao found considerable negative shortterm effects on cognitive health in a sample of older white men exposed to air pollution. Interestingly, in an odd twist, men who took antiinflammatory medications like aspirin were not as adversely affected.
Source: Nature Aging
Using old phones to diagnose eye disease International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness in South Korea has created the EYELIKE fundus camera using old Galaxy smartphone lenses and an artificial intelligence algorithm. EYELIKE can analyze images, screen and diagnose patients. It also connects to an app that gathers patient data and suggests a treatment regimen. The device can screen for conditions that may lead to blindness, including diabetic retinopathy; glaucoma; and age-related macular degeneration.